Monday, January 18, 2010

In the Begining...

So I figure that my family and friends might want to know what I've been up to over here in Israel... if not, you can stop reading now. Anyways, I'm not sure how often I will be able to (or feel like) write on here but we will see how it goes! Once I get my whole computer situation figured out and have some time I'll also put up a couple pictures!

So we left for IBEX from California on Saturday morning... flying 5hrs to New Jersey (first time on the east coast!) then 10hrs to Tel Aviv. Because of the time difference it was really confusing... on Sunday we had breakfast on the airplane then less than 4hrs later we had dinner in Israel at the Moshav (the beautiful place I will be living for the next few months). We were all exhausted when we got here! Also, people had told us about how nice and warm it had been lately but of course less than 3hrs after we got here it began to storm... and its been raining ever since! But the rain didn't stop us today... We had orientation and our first class! Then we went on a little field trip to see the place that the ark of the covenant stayed for 100 years... there is a Catholic Church there now. Then we went into Abu Ghosh and saw a bit of the city. We stopped at another Catholic Church that was built by the Crusaders between 1099-1299AD (considered a "new" church in Israel because there are so many building that are MUCH older) and got to explore around there... such beautiful gardens and such a beautiful church. And now I'm just in the library... I'm going to get started on my first homework assignment... trying not to procrastinate this semester ;) So far I have had a blast! I like the group of people that came, I like the professors, and Israel is so beautiful! But I do miss everyone back in North America so I would love to hear from all of you! If you want to you can send me an email or hit me up on facebook! I can also Skype but it kinda has to be a planned thing because we don't have internet in our rooms so we have to go somewhere else... plus there is a 10hr time difference!



  1. I'm glad you are doing a blog! It will be so much easier for everyone to follow what you are doing. I wanted to but never put in the time to do it. I hope you are more successful! I'm glad to hear you are having fun so far.


  2. Hooray! It is wonderful to hear all the news. Everyone here will appreciate the updates (no pressure). Love you loads!


  3. Our dear, dear Linde, We Paise the Lord for your having this time in Israel! Grandma & I pray for you always,(together each morning and almost every meal time).

    Hey do you want the church to know of your blog? I could put it in the Bulletin, let me know OK?

    Love ya loads, :)
